Incredible Humanity

You know, we, humanity, have the potential to be incredible.  We should stop selling out and selling ourselves short.  We will all pass on, giving way to those that follow, and taking nothing with us.  All that we really own is our ability to choose what to do here and now.  We can choose what to leave behind.  We can be better today than we were yesterday, and better tomorrow than we are today.  Together, we can create an incredible humanity for the future.  What will we each see when we look back upon our lives at the end.  At the sunset of our own lives, what will each of us leave behind for those that remain?

We can save the rain forests.
We can end AIDS.
We can stop world hunger.
We can cure cancer.
We can protect the innocent.
We can rehabilitate the guilty.
We can unite over our similarities.
We can discuss the issues so as to resolve them.
We can wage peace, rather than war.
We can have faith in ourselves and in each other.
We can hope, rather than despair.
We can love, rather than hate.

We can change the world.

So, what’s stopping us?

We are…  But we can change that too.

Incredible Humanity






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