Basil – A Doggie Poem

Basil - A Doggie Poem
I saw a video of Jimmy Stewart reciting a poem about his dog on “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson”.  It was very loving and heartfelt, and mostly (but not all) about how great of a dog he’d had.  I wondered what a doggie poem about my dog, Basil, would be like. So, like any writer, ...

Pumpkin Gone Hunting

Pumpkin Gone Hunting
Growing up, Halloween was my favorite holiday.  Sure, you’d get presents on Christmas, and on your birthday.  Come on, admit it.  As a kid your birthday was a national holiday (as far as you were concerned).  But Halloween was something different.  Christmas, Easter, birthdays, they were all about giving and receiving gifts (candy, presents, whatever). ...

Journey – A Poem by James LaMear

Journey - A Poem by James LaMear
Journey is a poem that I wrote while thinking about the impending unknown.  For me, this poem is about facing the unknown, embracing a wandering path, and enjoying the process of self-discovery. Journey    Hand in hand I’ll walk with you And we’ll take trails that we’ve known not. Step for step I’ll match your ...

Daily Grind – A Poem by James LaMear

Daily Grind - A Poem by James LaMear
Daily Grind is about one of those days I think we’ve all had.  You know the type of day I’m talking about.  It starts with a list of tasks on your plate, then you spend the entire day adding things to the list without being able to cross anything off.  You start geared up to ...