Chicago Freeze – by James LaMear

Chicago Freeze - by James LaMear
“Chicago Freeze” – by James LaMear published in 3 Elements Review Happy new year everyone! I’m happy to announce that I’ve been published in the latest issue of 3 Elements Review.  My piece “Chicago Freeze” happens to coincide nicely with our current weather patterns. You can view the latest issue in Flash or in PDF!  “Chicago Freeze” is ...

Incredible Humanity

Incredible Humanity
You know, we, humanity, have the potential to be incredible.  We should stop selling out and selling ourselves short.  We will all pass on, giving way to those that follow, and taking nothing with us.  All that we really own is our ability to choose what to do here and now.  We can choose what ...

Many Things

Many Things
Many Things   Many things can distract: A Thought. A wicked smile. A whiff of perfume. ahh, what was I saying? Oh, yes. Many things can distract.   Many things can get you down: Car’s got a flat. Outside on a rainy night. I’m soaked without a friend in sight. I can’t seem to hold ...

Sing That Ring

Sing That Ring
This poem came to me one day while overhearing someone else’s conversation.  A friend had been talking about her boyfriend and the discussion turned to proposals.  She knew it was coming, but said he was waiting for the right time and situation.  For some reason, my overhearing that discussion translated into this poem.   Sing ...